Creating The Wire Mag
When working for The West Australian Newspaper (2007-2012) I worked with the music editor to design a new product, a street press-style magazine to appeal to 15-35 year-old male and female readers.
A big part of designing The Wire Mag involved market research with a variety of names, logos, covers and spreads.
This was a fascinating process, especially being on the other side of a two-way mirror when strangers are talking about my work. I learned a lot from the experience.
Included are some of the different mast heads and cover design options that we shown during the research.

The Wire Mag Covers, features and spreads
I really enjoyed art directing The Wire Mag. The design evolved slightly over the 173 issues but the integrity and robustness of the style remained consistent.
I had the freedom to do something a bit different with the cover and cover-feature. I sometimes introducing a display font or changed the standard style to make the spread something special.
The Wire Mag lasted for 173 issues, from 2009 to 2012, as a stand-alone magazine. It was then integrated into the Today lift-out which was when my involvement with it finished.